China Sentry
Reports Database

This is a reference database of China reports and briefs from think tank and government organizations, such as the Congressional Research Service, China Aerospace Studies Institute, RAND Corp, and many more. With rare exceptions, none of the reports are stored here and are instead linked out to the authoring organization's page. The default view displays the latest reports from the last 30 days that have been added.

As indicated below, you can indeed search the full-text of these reports or, should you need a more focused approach, search by just title or abstract. This database has been optimized so that you can also search Chinese words and phrases. You will need to utilize boolean operators for accurate results. See the Help section for a detailed explanation and examples, but for now:

    +                 //  include term
    -                 //  exclude term
    ""                //  phrase (always use for Chinese)
    *                 //  truncation wildcard for 0 more characters
    [no operator]     //  implies OR (!important)
    "term1 term2" @n  //  proximity search with 'n' being a number 
    ()                //  nesting terms in parantheses  


    ordnance munitions
    searches: ordnance OR munitions
    +"anti-ship" +missile* -ballistic 
    searches: "anti-ship" AND missile[s] AND NOT ballistic

     +("air force" plaaf) +training +(recruit* cadet) 
    searches: ("air force" OR plaaf) AND training AND (recruit[ing][ment][s][ed] OR cadet)

Results: 9

Report Date Title Organization
2024-04-25 TikTok and China’s Digital Platforms: Issues for Congress CRS
2024-04-24 Measuring China's Science and Technology Progress: A Framework for Assessing Advances Affecting Military Capability RAND
2024-04-23 US Exports to China: Goods and Services Exports to China and the Jobs They Support, by State and Congressional District USCBC
2024-04-22 The PLA’s New Information Support Force CASI
2024-04-18 "Hiding A Dagger Behind A Smile" - The Coming Era of US-China Relations HUD
2024-04-17 Decisive Decade: PRC Global Strategy and the PLA as a Pacing Challenge – 2023 PLA Conference SSI
2024-04-17 Space Threat Assessment 2024 CSIS
2024-04-16 China’s Strategy to Shape Africa’s Media Space ACSS
2024-04-16 The CCP's Role in the Fentanyl Crisis CONGRESS